Did I do this already?
Happy Birthday to:
Courtney, Oct 5
Tina, Oct 16
Melanie, Oct 22
Trisha, Oct 23
Corky, Oct 24
I see that I was late for ALL of them. I guess I'll try to list everyone at the BEGINNING of the month next time... doh!
So, updates...
The weekend of 10/20, PJ went out to see Samantha's guard perform. I think they ranked "Excellent," but I can't remember. I was attending Annie's baby shower. PJ had the camera. Here are his pics.
Sam's Show and
Balloon FestivalThat evening, we met up for Melanie's birthday party. It was a good time!
Melanie's BirthdayI can't remember what we did that Sunday now. Hmm....
During the week, we did all the regular ole stuff you do. I'd have to check my calendar to know exactly what that was. HAHAHAHAHHA
This past weekend, Samantha and I went to Tammy & Tim's wedding at Disney World! It was so much fun! :) We stayed with Dave and Trish too, who kindly shared a measly double bed so Sam and I could use the other one. Dave even suffered through scorching temps in the 70's for us. :P Here are the pics.
Disney World WeddingPJ, Megan and Ethan went to a halloween costume party and carved pumpkins. Pictures of those events are forthcoming. :)
Sunday, I just had to chill...we arrived back from Orlando at about noon and then I had to do some laundry and stuff, but I just wanted to sleep. I dozed a bit during the Redskin's
horrible loss. While I don't much care, PJ sure does! And we finally turned the heat on. I'm thrilled! It's been cold at night!
This week is busy with two baseball games (tonight and tomorrow is last!!), Halloween on Wednesday and PJ has a mid-term. I can't wait until the weekend! The bad part is we have firewood coming at 730am on Saturday! Oy!
There's a heart walk this coming weekend if you'd like to sign up or can donate! Natalie has a team for Danny
AHA HeartWalk for Danny .
More pics and updates coming soon. :)