Sunday, June 25, 2006

Buzz Words

I know I have some recap to do and I'll get to it, but I just had to share this.

It's Sunday afternoon. I'm playing with the dogs in the living room while PJ drops Joe off at work. I'm waiting for him to return so we can finish putting the bathroom fixtures back up, etc. and the laundry is running so there's nothing to fold. Ethan, Sam and Megan are in Ethan's room working on the Highlights Hidden Pictures.

There was a brief lull in the dog play and it was quiet and I heard Ethan say, "you've got to think outside the box," as he was explaining how to find some of the more difficult items in the Hidden Pictures. Okay, he's not even 11 years old and doesn't work. What is this world coming to??!!

Now, I'm just waiting for them to grasp the concept of proactive!

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