Sunday, June 29, 2008

End of an Era

PJ's last night as a bartender was this past Friday.

It was a fun night. Here are all the pictures....

In other news, we had a 4th-of-July-early-surprise-birthday-party (for PJ's mom) on Saturday. I don't have any pictures of it. *shrug* Sunday, we had lunch with some friends. Delicious pizza and good company!!

This coming week, we'll get ready for Samantha's birthday. She'll be 16 on Thursday! Woohoo!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Cat's Out of the Bag

In case you haven't heard yet, PJ is only working two more bar shifts...tonight's (which is already half over as I write this) and next Friday. He's going to be around on Friday nights again!! We're excited!

Family pics tomorrow. Can't wait - they'll be fun! Kerry is staying with us tonight to make it easier to get going in the morning. Yay!

Okay, I must go sort the laundry so I'm not TOTALLY behind all weekend. Later!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Four Years Already?

Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary. :) I can't believe it's been 4 years already. Where has the time gone? And we still like each other. HA!

Happy Anniversary, PJ! Here's to the next four. :D
I *heart* you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Holy Forgetful Blogger!!

I completely forgot my May birthdays, didn't I?!

Happy Belated Birthday to you all!!

Will (5/6)
Dad (5/29).

And Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. LOL. I'm so late!

I can almost feel my fingers...

So, last week...Wednesday to be exact, we had some serious storms come through our area. We lost power at work. We lost power at home. We almost NEVER lose power at home, so when it didn't come back on after a couple hours, PJ and I began to formulate our "what do we do with all our frozen goods?" plan.

Well, we went to the store and picked up 6 - 20lb bags of ice. We transferred everything into the chest freezer and then packed it full of ice. We opened two bags and left three intact. We put the 6th bag into the upright that's in the basement. We had already lost the ice cream and a few other miscellaneous items, but the meat was all still frozen when we made the transfer.

Then the power came back on (it was off a full 24 hours). That was good. Especially since we are experiencing a freakin' heat wave right now (and right after the storms too...they ushered in the hot weather).

Last night I took three bags of ice out of the freezer and Ethan dumped them all over the trampoline. Tonight, I had to dig out the loose ice. My fingers have almost thawed. At least all the frozen good are back in their correct place and we're having steak for dinner tomorrow. :D

In other news, it's already June 10 and I haven't wished anyone a happy birthday.

Happy Belated Birthday, Chris (June 5) and Happy upcoming Birthday, Tammy (June 14).

And Neil, don't think I've forgotten you even if you ARE in Hawaii...Happy Birthday (June 25)!!!! Bring me back something cool. :)

I hope everyone is well. :)